Enjoy the fastest server near you

SwiftVPN automatically picks the most reliable, fast, and stable server based on your location. You won’t have to scroll through the list of available servers before you find one that suits you best. It’s still possible to select servers that will be optimized for your current needs.

Dedicated IP Servers

Users can get a unique, dedicated IP address. They will be the only ones with access to it, meaning it won’t be shared with any other user of SwiftVPN. For people looking for maximum anonymity, dedicated IP servers are perfect.

Double VPN Servers

For encryption, VPNs always send user traffic through an encrypted tunnel. With Double VPN, the traffic will be routed through not one, but two secure servers and thus doubling user protection. If you’re looking for the most secure servers in SwfitVPN’s line-up, these are your best pick.

Several countries around the globe have heavy online restrictions. The list includes China and North Korea, to name a few. If you’re living in a country with similar restrictions, the obfuscated servers will allow you to enjoy the Internet without any limitations.